Interested in joining your team of colleagues to defend and promote our industry? Here’s how!
Meeting with Elected-Officials in Washington, DC - Travel to our nation’s capital to meet with your elected-Representatives in their Capitol Hill offices. SIIA’s Government Relations Staff will make all the arrangements and provide you with all relevant talking points. We are also happy to have one our lobbyists join you for the meetings.
Meeting with Your Representatives in Your Home Area - Unable to get to Washington, DC? No problem! It’s just as effective to meet with your Congressional Representatives in their home offices. Just like meetings in DC, SIIA staff handles all of the arrangements and makes sure you are fully prepared.
Invite Elected-Officials to Visit Your Company – What better way to educate policy-makers about the self-insurance industry than to invite them for a site visit to your company. Let your Representatives see first-hand how their constituents benefit from the work you do.
Serve as a “Grassroots State Chairman” – Ready to lead the charge from the ground level to get your industry peers engaged? Many times events affecting the industry arise that need immediate attention. The State Chairman will help SIIA’s Government Relations team organize SIIA members and industry representatives to react and respond to these timely issues.
Host a Meet and Greet for Your Elected-Officials – How better to educate policy-makers on self-insurance than to invite them to meet and learn from industry representatives. Invite colleagues and peers from various segments of the industry for each to provide unique information. Ask clients to join as well so the Representative can learn just how employers and employees benefit from coverage in self-insured plans.
Correspond With Your Representatives – If personally meeting with your Representatives isn’t for you, or you just don’t have the time, volunteer to submit letters/emails or make phone calls to your elected-officials. What is an easy way to carry the message for the industry! SIIA government relations staff can help draft correspondence and talking points.
Source to Local Media – We know that policy decisions are often times swayed by the media, that is why SIIA needs to play an active role in getting our positions out via this medium. Often times, the media would like a local perspective and this is where you come in. Volunteer to serve as an industry expert for SIIA to direct the media to as needed.
Recruit Your Peers – The louder the voice, the greater the impact. Commit to signing up three of your colleagues to participate in SIIA’s grassroots initiative.
Click here to sign-up. Have questions call 800-851-7789 or email Ryan Work at